CSS Worksafe Fixed Fall Arrest Gantry Systems

Designed for use on permanent sites, static fall protection gantries can be designed & installed to meet client specific requirements. Singular or multi vehicle access, multi user, varying platform height, weather shelter & choice of finish are standard options.

This type of vehicle access fall protection system involves the use of a specially designed access platform & overhead runway beam or gantry. A full body safety harness & inertia reel / fall arrest block is used in conjunction with the overhead runway beam or gantry and will protect the operative whilst they are working on the vehicle.

The advantage of this type of fall protection system is that it will accommodate variations in size, height & length of all vehicle bodies.

CSS Worksafe Mobile Fall Arrest Gantry System

Designed for use on temporary or evolving sites such as landfill, the CSS Worksafe mobile fall arrest gantry system can be assembled on site and moved from position to position using it's integral extending stabilising system, offering a workable solution for vehicle top access without the need for foundation work.

Offering considerable benefits & cost savings, the fall arrest gantry system can easily be used on uneven ground or hard standing and has a unique counter balance system, ensuring maximum stability without the need for loose weights which could be lost or stolen.

Bespoke Vehicle Access Solutions

Many activities require operatives to access vehicles in locations where provision of fixed or mobile gantry systems are not practical options. CSS Worksafe work with clients to develop, safe, easy to use, legally complient solutions for a range of vehicle access requirements.

Every year, about 70 people are killed and 2500 seriously injured as a result of accidents involving vehicles in and around the workplace. 44% of falls from tipper lorries occur whilst sheeting & unsheeting.

CSS Worksafe offer a range of vehicle access solutions to suit all sites.