CSS Worksafe have a commitment to prevent and investigate accidents should any occur and preserve the health and safety of all employees including other persons who could be affected by our work activities.Therefore, as a matter of policy CSS Worksafe will continue to implement and maintain the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 together with European Union Health and Safety Directives.

These will include in particular the relevant sections of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, Construction (Design and Management) Regulations and the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations.

CSS Worksafe will continue to ensure that its policy, legal obligations and experience are applied effectively throughout all Company activities.


The accident prevention function within CSS Worksafe is an integral part of operational management.  The main objective is the elimination of risks to Health and Safety. Therefore, as a matter of policy, the Directors require:-

  1. Acceptance to accident prevention by executive management as one of its major responsibilities. 
  2. Nomination of a Director to have direct responsibility for the general oversight of Health and Safety within the Company.
  3. That the safety responsibilities of management staff and operatives be defined and put in writing.
  4. Uniform interpretation and implementation of its policy and its applicable statutory requirements.
  5. The establishment of a co-ordinated organisation to ensure comprehensive and competent advice on Health and Safety matters.
  6. A procedure for the effective joint consultation in Health and Safety matters whereby management and operatives establish mutual understanding and good team work leading to healthier and safer work conditions and practices.
  7. Short and long-term accident prevention programmes designed to achieve tangible and viable results.
  8. Progressive identification and removal of all hazards involving injury, ill health and/or damage potential.
  9. Compilation and implementation of practical codes of safe and healthy practise/conduct based on risk assessment.
  10. A uniform compilation and interpretation of notifiable illness/injury accident data for monitoring and control.
  11. Employee involvement towards the continued improvement of safety performance and by requiring them to act responsibly in both the prevention of injury to themselves or others and in preventing loss or damage to property.
  12. Employee’s to act responsibly and to take all precautions necessary, not only to protect themselves but also their fellow workers and any other persons from injury, preventable illness and damage which could arise from their actions.
  13. The conviction that accident prevention is an essential element of good work practice and that its pursuit benefits the efficiency of the Company’s operations as well as the welfare of its employee’s.  It is recognised that effective prevention of injury and damage requires commitment at every level.
  14. A commitment to comply with all Local Authority, HM Government and, where applicable, European Union laws and regulations pertaining to the occupational health and safety of personnel and the well being of the environment.
  15. A continuing evaluation of national techniques to ensure that CSS Worksafe leads in the field of accident prevention and environmental controls.

CSS Worksafe are accredited under the Contractors Health & Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS). CHAS is established as the market leader for health and safety pre-qualification in the UK.